“What doesn’t destroy me,makes me stronger”,-present prophesying words of Nietzsche chose Kadmon,Austrian ideologist,as life and creative credo.His ideology-more then 10 years releasing and directing by him label Aorta,citadel of Ahnstern magazine,and own industrial-esoteric and neo-pagan sound project Allerseelen.Kadmon is ancient-cabalistic name of first man.Allerseelen is german name of Day of souls.He calls himself an artist and define own art as powerful energy field-Technosophische Tonkunst Konservative Avantgarde,correlation of technology and philosophy ,music-as magic,inspired by European mythology,pagan rites and Christian esoteric,cosmology,ariosophy,ritual archaic,revolutional works by Nietzsche,Junger,Wagner.His works,filled by synthesis and symbolism,by dark atmospheric utopia in combination with beauty and sadness-his deep scratches,where lighted by ancient metaphysical conceptions and mysterious magneticlandscapes ,the Idea of eternal cyclic destruction teases the Myth of Eternal(!) return and recreation of all existed.Alternately during many years Allerseelen has been constantly and persistently investigating the indo-european Mithraism of cult solar God (CRUOR,1994),archetypes of human being,spiritualism and pagan-folklore metaphysics in ariosophy and runistics of Austrian occultist Karl Maria Willigutt(GOTOS=KALANDA,1995),Odinism and magic of will power ,reflected by creative activity of Nietzsche and Junger,has been applying to such persons as Leni Riefenstahl(Das Blau Licht),Kenneth Anger (Lusifer Rising), to modern black-metal occulture and its connection with Norwegian Oskorei-folklore.In January-February next work of Allerseelen was born on Aorta-“STIRB UND WERDE”,and,simultaneously,one more deep philosophical confession about myths and symbolism,magic and power,with new truth and energy sounded in Idea of eternal historical ov and constant regeneration,where dearth is pregnant only by new birth and that’s why possessing these “Stirb und Werde” absolutely:dye-be born .Again. Since old times consonant with ‘Sia ammazzato!”,as deeply ambivalent to wish of dearth (literally :”Dearth for you!”-traditional greeting on big festive gathering in the open streets on public holidays in the Middle Ages and Renaissance), in the decoration of old traditional images of past,exactly there the definition of dearth -“die”(stirb) sounded simultaneously as “become” (werde) conjunctive with happiness,greetings and wishes and it is “stirb” and “werde’ by the means of its language and poetry that proclaimed own inner truth and etheric wisdom,in the full value available to common people by the traditions and symbols of eternally shabby and eternally new world and life.’This wise madness!Halfwitted mad wisdom!The breathe derth,so furiously and immediately,turning into a roars of laughter!”-wrote Heine in “Amma Troll” In the famous great Goehte said”The man must be destroyed!Every extraordinary human being is to fulfill the famous mission.And if it was realized, in this appearance he is no more useful,and omen intends him for something else”(11.03.1828) Fin de siecle reflected Kadmon in the new,and ,for me,in the best now work of Allerseelen.Enigmatic magnetic landscapes,filled by transparently-cold devastation and power,hard percussion,gloomy electro sound and ancient melodism ,including exciting singing images of Exterrnsteine,ruins of magical chirch in the Northern Germany ,conjoined sound waves and battle of contradictons,as creating and destroying energy,in the headlines “ “….I specially avoid here the detailed analysis of sound structure of album in the name of rescuing of its thematic,ideological essence.presented with new power in the end of 20th century by own wise deeply apocalyptic prophecies.

Igor Vaganov

Contact:Aorta,c/o Petak,Postfach 778,A-1011 Wien,Osterreich.
More info on net:www.geocities.com/ahnstern