"Echoing whispers of suond,dark voices,slow rhythms and mionr-key melodies
blended together into careful evocation of terror"(Ongaku Otaku,#2,1997)
"What about of main inspiration of my work,about the physical aspects for DISSECTING TABLE?-Its the lefe and dearth.i observe dearth through life..."(Ichiro Tsuji)
intensivity of sound and rhythmically-brutal mechanisms of horror-claustrophoby
of environment reality images,cut out from "Tetsuo",dark omen and furious noise-metal
frustruction,extreme anger and transparensy of foggy eternally ,violent and
devastating for mind,combines japanese musical traditions with western decadense
in any EBM-digital-darktrance hybryd. DISSECTING TABLE-exclusive child of Ichiro
Tsuji-computer ingineer-imagination-confirms again own cult status of one of
the best nowadays harsch-industrial projects,born under bloodless axis of country
of rising noise.Being a part of UPD ORGANIZATION (Ultimate Psychological description)
and its main propagandistic force,he absolutely concentrates of investigating
interest to the music as to the of physical energy-bond between sound and our
perception of it ,"special density of audio power fluctuations in experimental
music,because there are important elements in human consciousness".Established
in 1986,during 10 years DISSECTING TABLE has been managing to develop and embody
this ideas in 8 full-format and extremely limited in albums,being provided by
support of leading world labels-dark Vynil,daft,V2 Organization,Relapse...
"Scrap-metal "ambience",ultrafast multi-layered chime-clang,double barreled bass-trumping,faintly-whining knife-sharpeners and hacking cough,heavy rhythms,sheets of noise,samples clangs and screams,and very harsch ,gutteral vicals create an aura of dread.This is the sort of dense,intense,rhythmic sound that so-called "agro-tech" bands attempt and fail to archieve"
-wrote the Bible of japanese underground "Ongaku Otaku"(#1,1996) in the review of "Ultimate Psychological description II",emphasising the agonizing mad of sound hell of DISSECTING TABLE.
ACHTUNG BABY! note: Last years many of innovative music artists around the world got their interest to progressive physical aspects-the multiple personaluty disorder (as the most extreme form of schizophrenia) of german band MAEROR TRI,the brain waves scans,heart enciphologramm processed by AUBE and PHYSICAL UNCONTROLLED MANIPULARTION,sonic structures of technological elemants,physical nature elements of objects of MERZBOW from Japan,the enochoian frequencies of AMERICAN ALLEGORY CHAPEL LTD and electronic voice phemomena of SCHLOSS TEGAL...
"Dark percussive feel,as probing rhythm provides a background for Ichiro's threatening breathing that sounds like Satan himself streching his scarred muscless before the final battle with the forces of heaven.All of a sudden,metal bashing percussion kikcs in,backed up by dissonant symphonic keyboards and even more of Ichiro's hell-induced roars"(Corridor of Cells,1997)
Up to the analytic investigations of UPD organization,,creating a parallel dependings between energies of transcendental stuff and human mind,interests of "anatomic theatre" of DISSECTING TABLE are concentrating on -hidden between life and dearth in extreme conditions of alive organism energy,connection between consciousness and subconsciousness,and then -on mechanical vibrations of skin,its potencial activity and enziphologramms.
ACHTUNG BABY! note:UPD organization started in spring of 1986,being an organization for the seeking true no judging good and evil.UPD manage DISSECTING TABLE activity and release its works and research the relation between human and sound such spirit.DISSECTING TABLE express for the true no judging good and evil by music,visual,installation.DISSECTING TABLE is based on such spirit,the 1st step expressed such spirit from dark side by 1st single,1st LP,live performance.The dead body photo of single,LP, live preformance tried to stimulate human's subconsciousness.You arw going to recognize the hidden part in your minf by the dead body display and DT music.its important that clear up all consciousness.There are all behaviors of human being for the seeking true no judging good and evil.Its energy transcends the matter and spirit.But human being cant get it.Because its the final purpose in human being.
"Heavy puonding rhythms,totally distored vocals,every once in a whole a break and it starts out even more heavy and its genre of the better bands!"(Vital Weekly,#122)