First i
had opened Crib for me from the composition"40" in the "historical" compillation"The
Accelerating World" of noise-label Pinch Aloaf.Crib is the solo project,formed
in 1990,& consisted of one person-bass-guitarist Waldo The-Dog Faced Boy
-Devin Sarno- and of his individual sound experiments,focussed on subsonics,intensive
long feedback-sound scapes,synapse-exploding music,including the elements of
noise ahd veiled ambient,deep.lightly evolutionizing textures of cold landscape,remaining
the works of Lustmord,Paul Schutze and Thomas Koner,-but at the same time individual,woven
by effects & various processes,and, like early guitar experiments of Jimmy
Hendrix ,compelling the bass to talk on thr language of-relaxing out of Earth
cultures and sounding like songs of ancient buddhistic temple in his surrealistic
soundtrack-journey through the horror,evil,destruction and violence inmurdering,intensive
,minimalistic and sacral madness.One of the musical edition declared creatons
of Crib as "music new age for the paranoich cynics","experimental laboratory
for noise transformation of bass-guitarists"had called it influental "Los-Angeles
Times".Crib has less in common with Michael Wott then with drone-musicians and
ancient song structures of Middle East.Five compositions "She Is Church" give
you a refinedly-skilful wanderung with long low resonances,meditation of looooong
rumbling "mantras",-wrote magazine "Magnet"about Crib's creative activity.
The experience of joint jams & concerts with great experimentators Torston
Moore(Sonic Youth),2'ev,Borbetomagus That Dog ,Kato Hideki,William Hooker & others didn't influence on his own
music ,but intensified ,moreover,concentrated and developed his style of soundto
the perfection of ancience up.Undergroundly meditative bass/drone-structured
suites(Ankle Deep,Breath for one)natural prestine sound of burning life of oceans
and planets,slowly unfolding panorama of sacral landscapes find absoluteky new
contours owing to Davin Sarno and his alone but so astonishing versatile guitar.
It is his hyperurania.
Igor Vaganov.
26811 Los-Angeles CA.90026-0811 USA