Absurd #5
An issue of absolute nothingless
All,hidden beneath a cloud of human prejudices,is concentrated
in asolute nothingless,constructed on the ruins of thoughts.Pure
nothing,being consisted of boundless eternal time & space,rational
strapes.Absurd:depths of raison d'etre have being always filled by
abstract structures & sound architectonics,jesture and movement-
by ABSOLUTE NOTHINGLESS,what we can see,feel,probably only percept by-
just-inner eyesight,by subtle inside glance.And the end-in physical
reality,for the first sight,its absolutely useless, and ...as each issue of Absurd could be "used as rawmaterial to light a fire or in your lavatory,etc...so feel free to recycle it in any way that seems creative and pleasant for you..."
And only those...who live "on the tops of the mountains" will carefully save it in mind,in heart.
"Its nessesary to content a chaos in the dephts of yourself to give birth to a dancing star".
And for this nothingless is devoted an aboveremained Absurd-"an issue of absolute notingless".True,it could be said,the one-brilliant,worthy in comparison with eternally-leading-glimmering Vital Weekly even!
Deconstructedly-designed as "journey into sound",it absorbs you in the bally of sound philosophy and its creators minds,according to the track-list of Absurd father Nicolas ,inner rationale sound:track #1,track #2,track #3,etc,so,all what can be imagined and constructed:news,observations of leading labels in noise,academic avandgarde,improvasing music:E.R.S.,Solipsism,Bake and others.
So,resume:real guidance during the mixed improvised voyage.
CONTACT:absurd,p.o.box 63752,15203 Vrilissia,Attiki,Greece
More info on net:www.anet.gr/absurd
Achtung Baby!
contact : igo_ab@usa.net
Copyright © 1997
Achtung Baby!
Last modified: 2001