"Dark-folk? We did not want somehow to define our feelings to the music. It is such integral part of our existance, as meal and dream. This is instinct. Certainly, actually, this is something more rational. But simultaneously this is else a Free Spirit."
Constancy of memory
If you like pagan dark-occult-ritual folk, which is rapidly taking power last years on both sides of Atlantic, if you have already heard the names Ataraxia, Ordo Equitum Solis and The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud - this music is for you. Trumpet striking sounds, harpsichord, esotheric bakhanalies of vocalises on medieval italian, occult and pagan lyrics of songs, apocalyptism, high tempted and rival music...
"Burning was
the fire,
Spelling on letters of superstitious moment
For pride and honouring are idea of our,
But exorcised surrounding wanted to open
Us with you through destruction...
But is newly jam sun on ruins
Burning fire blazes on these lands,
Playing by the gold of pipes,
And darkness depths only intently stare as a small spark
On our fire!..."
(Fuocco - Fire)
Camerata Mediolanense (taking name from the ancient name of
Milano - Mediolanum) was given birth in 1992γ. and two years
later was definitively formed, having unite around itself several
friends, in due course actively involved in Milano undergroud.
Its roots lay deeply in generalities with dreaming memory of
North Italy. "In the strict musical sense, - comments the
birth of group Elena Previdi, - the aim in that time was making a
syntheses between the perfect melodism and more powerful ritual
striking - central in the musical nature of group".
On the grounds of studying of epic and ethical sides, metaphoric images and words symbolism, which musicians of project followed for years, was created the present esotheric relationship, that whispered them the image of their new creativity. In same year, on 18th of january on their own label My Castle the debut album has seen the light - Musica Reservata. Written on the butting of early classical music and medievalism, with the evident influence of ancient pagan rituals and music of Elena Previdi, it was written with the support of friends from NorthGate, Weltschmerz, Ordo Equitum Solis and Ataraxia, whose vocalist Francesca Nicoli has taken a direct participation of recording of three compositions from this release. Powerful both in tunes, and in striking rhythmic parts, the album is opened with deeply dramatic "Il Lupo" (Wolf), sounding as a medieval march or hymn, and hereinafter - denuding influence of baroque and avoiding the ritualistic power of "Trilogia della Danza Magica", pervaded with pagan colorith of legends and myths of North of Italy - was terminated with worrying imagination toccata by Leonardo Leo (1694-1744), discovered in manuscripts from archives of Milano conservatory and for the first time feasible Camerata Mediolanense here to 300-a year anniversary of composer.
The signal pressing of the album rapidly was sold out in three months, but exclusive distribution was then given to the specializing on the experimental music companies Discordia (Germany) and World Serpent Distribution (England), that quickly helped the debutants to fall into the circle of elite groups.
Having become possible due to
"increased contacts of group, in the majority of tracks more
experimental work", on the 1st of december on My Castle a
compilation has seen the light, featuring rare and earlier
unreleased material from Ain Soph, Allerseelen, Ataraxia, Endura,
Kirlian Camera, NorthGate, T.A.C and others, as well as own
composition of group, written alive in studio - "Balcani in
Fiamme". The album has get a name Onore Alle Arti (In the
glory of art).
What in this instance is a status of independent creativity in Italy?
"This is, probably, the sound spirit in our activity, which is represented by us, Ataraxia, Kirlian Camera, TAC, Ain Soph, NorthGate, Weltschmerz. Actually we have here lots of interesting and on-present new groups, but unchancy, for they have pour patiences and tenacities, on our opinion, for the development of their own ideas. They are too hasty and are premature in showing their material; they are poorly educated and seldom think..."
The second album of Camerata
Mediolanense was written in june 1996 and at the end of autumn
(november) has seen the light on the prestigious german gothic
label Discordia. It has get a name Campo di Marte. Either as in past once, "Field Of Mars" by
Camerata Mediolanense is unfold on the background by the
prefeasible power and dramatism of ancient symbols from early
Roman Middle Ages, melancholic lyrics and monumental
compositions, just like been carved from the ruins of the past,
entombed under the cover. Again, the stirring classicism of
baroque and combat ritual power, however more clean and spectacle
in its internal philosophical and esotheric context.
"It is important, that all ideas, coming from Camerata Mediolanense, are a joint creation - from Manuel Aroldi, Eugenio Pier Pezzoni - both play percussion instruments, Trevor - percussion, keyactuated, vocal and me - Elena Previdi (accordion, keyboards, percussion, vocals, lyrics). We do not comment our lyrics, we are not interested in chats on our ethical, philosophical, political and religious ideas. We simply create a music. But comparatively its relationship with the ideology, well, we really believe that from time to time this is more or less, but an obvious fact. And our way - is our way, and at all not example for others".
Poetry: Elena Previdi.
Literary translation, interview: Igor Vaganov
november 1996, Rostov-Milano, Italy
Complete material and interview c Camerata Mediolanense read in N1 of the mag.
CAMERATA MEDIOLANENSE/MY CASTLE via Bari 20 20143 Milano Italy f: +39 28137 908
mail to alien@ic.ru with
questions or comments about this web site.
Achtung Baby! contact: igo@donpan.rnd.su
Copyright © 1997 Achtung Baby!
Last modified: ΐοπελό 04, 1998